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Submission Guidelines

Generally, studies and source editions published in Rocznik Lituanistyczny should range – generally – from 20.000 to 60.000 characters, including spaces; review articles, reviews, and review notes and materials to the chronicle of scholarly life in Polish or English, while sources – in their original language.

1. Submissions should be sent in an electronic format by the end of December each year to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

2. It should include:

a) The author’s name and surname.

b) Afiliation - if the author does not work at the university, we provide the city (under the author’s name). If the employing institution requires full affiliation, we provide the full name: Faculty or Institute.


d) Title of the article in Polish and English.

e) Abstract in Polish, usually 400-700 characters, including spaces - short description of the content of the article.

f) Keywords in Polish - max 5-7 words or phrases.

g) Content of the article.

h) Summary in Polish, between 1000 and 1800 characters, including spaces.

i) Bibliography compliant to the POL-Index system – it should include all archival materials, source editions, monographs, collective works, and journal articles cited in the text. Bibliography should be divided into primary sources, printed sources, and secondary literature. Texts written in the Cyrillic alphabet should be listed in an alphabetical order under works in Latin script (please, do not mix them together). Titles of works in the Cyrillic script should be given in their original alphabet and then transliterated as indicated in:

j) A short note about the author in Polish (English optional) 300-500 characters. The Authors are obliged to provide their affiliation and the current e-mail address.

3. In the case of a multi-author paper, the individual contribution of each of the authors should be provided.

4. Each submitted text should be accompanied by a declaration of originality (by e-mail) with the Author’s statement that the work has not been published before and has been sent only to Rocznik Lituanistyczny.

5. The submitted texts should be:

  • Typed using Times New Roman (normal style, size 12)
  • 1.5-line spacing
  • all pages should be numbered
  • footnotes should be typed using Times New Roman (normal, size 10, space 1)
  • sinle column with 2.5 margin on both sides.

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